Become a Vendor.

List your fruits on our marketplace.

Get Started

What are the fees?

We only take a 5% cut from your revenue. You get paid immediately upon each order via PayPal. Since each box of fruits varies in weight, you can define how much you’d like to charge for shipping for each product depending on where the package is going.

  • 5% Commission fees
  • 3% + .30 cents Credit Card Processing fees

Beautiful Dashboard

Our Dashboard provides you with statistics for you orders, a list of orders to fulfill, and your account management.

What can you sell?

Fruits Pal is a marketplace for all types of fruits that are exotic and unique! We welcome all kinds of fruits. We love to see different types of exotics to share with the rest of the world.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the form below. We respond as soon as we see your message, thank you!

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